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UserGroup commands.

fractal group [-h] {list,get,new,update} ...


group list

Get all groups.

fractal group list [-h] [--user-ids]

Named Arguments

  • --user-ids: Also return the user_ids lists together with the groups Default: False.

group get

Get single group.

fractal group get [-h] group_id

Positional Arguments

  • group_id: ID of the group to get.

group new

Create new group.

fractal group new [-h]  [--viewer-paths VIEWER_PATHS [VIEWER_PATHS ...]]  name

Positional Arguments

  • name: Name of the new group.

Named Arguments

  • --viewer-paths: ("List of group's viewer_paths (e.g --viewer-paths /something /else)",)

group update

Update single group.

fractal group update [-h]  [--new-user-ids NEW_USER_IDS [NEW_USER_IDS ...]]
        [--new-viewer-paths NEW_VIEWER_PATHS [NEW_VIEWER_PATHS ...]]  group_id

Positional Arguments

  • group_id: ID of the group to update.

Named Arguments

  • --new-user-ids: ('New list of users in the group (e.g. --new-user-ids 4 8 15 16 23 42); note that this replaces the existing one.',)

  • --new-viewer-paths: ('New list of group viewer_paths (e.g --new-viewer-paths /something /else);note that this replaces the existing one.',)