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Job commands.

fractal job [-h] {list,show,download-logs,stop,submit} ...


job list

List jobs for given project.

fractal job list [-h] project_id

Positional Arguments

  • project_id: Project ID.

job show

Query status of workflow-execution job.

fractal job show [-h] project_id job_id

Positional Arguments

  • project_id: Project ID.

  • job_id: Job ID.

job download-logs

Download full folder of workflow-execution job.

fractal job download-logs [-h] --output OUTPUT_FOLDER  project_id job_id

Positional Arguments

  • project_id: Project ID.

  • job_id: Job ID.

Named Arguments

  • --output: Path of the output folder.

job stop

Stop workflow-execution job.

fractal job stop [-h] project_id job_id

Positional Arguments

  • project_id: Project ID.

  • job_id: Job ID.

job submit

Submit a job.

fractal job submit [-h] [--start FIRST_TASK_INDEX]  [--end LAST_TASK_INDEX] [-w
        WORKER_INIT]  project_id workflow_id dataset_id

Positional Arguments

  • project_id:

  • workflow_id:

  • dataset_id:

Named Arguments

  • --start: Positional index of the first task to be executed (starting from 0).

  • --end: Positional index of the last task to be executed (starting from 0).

  • -w,--worker-init: Command to be run before starting a worker.