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SLURM backend

Refer to the slurm module for more details.

NOTE: SlurmConfig objects are created internally in fractal-server, and they are not meant to be initialized by the user; the same holds for SlurmConfig attributes (e.g. mem_per_task_MB) which are not meant to be part of the FRACTAL_SLURM_CONFIG_FILE JSON file (details on the expected file content are defined in SlurmConfigFile).

SLURM configuration

The logic for setting up the SLURM configuration of a given WorkflowTask is implemented in the slurm._slurm_config submodule.

The different sources for SLURM configuration options (like partition, cpus_per_task, ...) are:

  1. All attributes that are explicitly set in the WorkflowTask.meta dictionary attribute take highest priority;
  2. Next priority goes to all attributes that are explicitly set in the WorkflowTask.task.meta dictionary attribute;
  3. Lowest-priority (that is default) values come from the configuration in FRACTAL_SLURM_CONFIG_FILE. This JSON file follows these specifications.


The configuration file could be the one defined here, while a certain WorkflowTask could have

workflow_task.meta = {"cpus_per_task": 3}
workflow_task.task.meta = {"cpus_per_task": 2, "mem": "10G"}
In this case, the SLURM configuration for this WorkflowTask will correspond to

Exporting environment variables

The fractal-server admin may need to set some global variables that need to be included in all SLURM submission scripts; this can be achieved via the extra_lines field in the SLURM configuration file, for instance as in

  "default_slurm_config": {
    "partition": "main",
    "extra_lines": [
      "export SOMEVARIABLE=123",

There exists another use case where the value of a variable depends on the user who runs a certain task. A relevant example is that user A (who will run the task via SLURM) needs to define the cache-directory paths for some libraries they use (and those must be paths where user A can write). This use case is also supported in the specs of fractal-server SLURM configuration file: If this file includes a block like

  "user_local_exports": {
    "LIBRARY_1_CACHE_DIR": "somewhere/library_1",
    "LIBRARY_2_FILE": "somewhere/else/library_2.json"
then the SLURM submission script will include the lines
export LIBRARY_1_CACHE_DIR=/my/cache/somewhere/library_1
export LIBRARY_2_FILE=/my/cache/somewhere/else/library_2.json
Note that all paths in the values of user_local_exports are interpreted as relative to a base directory which is user-specific (for instance /my/cache/, in the example above), and which is defined in the User.settings.cache_dir attribute. Also note that in this case fractal-server only compiles the configuration options into lines of the SLURM submission script, without performing any check on the validity of the given paths.

SLURM batching

The SLURM backend in fractal-server may combine multiple tasks in the same SLURM job (AKA batching), in order to reduce the total number of SLURM jobs that are submitted. This is especially relevant for clusters with constraints on the number of jobs that a user is allowed to submit over a certain timespan.

The logic for handling the batching parameters (that is, how many tasks can be combined in the same SLURM job, and how many of them can run in parallel) is implemented in the slurm._batching submodule, and especially in its heuristics function.

User impersonation

The user who runs fractal-server must have sufficient priviliges for running some commands via sudo -u to impersonate other users of the SLURM cluster without any password. The required commands include sbatch, scancel, cat, ls and mkdir. An example of how to achieve this is to add this block to the sudoers file:

Runas_Alias FRACTAL_IMPERSONATE_USERS = fractal, user1, user2, user3
Cmnd_Alias FRACTAL_CMD = /usr/bin/sbatch, /usr/bin/scancel, /usr/bin/cat, /usr/bin/ls, /usr/bin/mkdir
where fractal is the user running fractal-server, and {user1,user2,user3} are the users who can be impersonated. Note that one could also grant fractal the option of impersonating a whole UNIX group, instead of listing users one by one.