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Welcome to Fractal Command-line Client's documentation!

Fractal is a framework developed at the BioVisionCenter to process bioimaging data at scale in the OME-Zarr format and prepare the images for interactive visualization.

This documentatin website describes the Fractal Task Tools package, which provides some basic shared tools for building tasks for the Fractal framework. Find more information about Fractal in general and the other repositories at the Fractal home page.

This project is under active development 🔨. If you need help or found a bug, open an issue here.

Contributors and license

Fractal was conceived in the Liberali Lab at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research and in the Pelkmans Lab at the University of Zurich by @jluethi and @gusqgm. The Fractal project is now developed at the BioVisionCenter at the University of Zurich and the project lead is with @jluethi. The core development is done under contract by eXact lab S.r.l..

Unless otherwise specified, Fractal components are released under the BSD 3-Clause License, and copyright is with the BioVisionCenter at the University of Zurich.