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Setting up environment

We use poetry to manage both development environments and package building. A simple way to install it is pipx install poetry==1.8.2, or you can look at the installation section here.

From the repository root folder, running any of

# Install the core library only
poetry install

# Install the core library and the tasks
poetry install -E fractal-tasks

# Install the core library and the development/documentation dependencies
poetry install --with dev --with docs
will take care of installing all the dependencies in a separate environment (handled by poetry itself), optionally installing also the dependencies for developement and to build the documentation.


We use pytest for unit and integration testing of Fractal. If you installed the development dependencies, you may run the test suite by invoking commands like:

# Run all tests
poetry run pytest

# Run all tests with a verbose mode, and stop at the first failure
poetry run pytest -x -v

# Run all tests and also print their output
poetry run pytest -s

# Ignore some tests folders
poetry run pytest --ignore tests/tasks

The tests files are in the tests folder of the repository. Its structure reflects the fractal_tasks_core structure, with tests for the core library in the main folder and tests for tasks and dev subpckages in their own subfolders.

Tests are also run through GitHub Actions, with Python 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11. Note that within GitHub actions we run tests for both the poetry-installed and pip-installed versions of the code, which may e.g. have different versions of some dependencies (since pip install does not rely on the poetry.lock lockfile).


The documentations is built with mkdocs. To build the documentation locally, setup a development python environment (e.g. with poetry install --with docs) and then run one of these commands:

poetry run mkdocs serve --config-file mkdocs.yml  # serves the docs at
poetry run mkdocs build --config-file mkdocs.yml  # creates a build in the `site` folder

A dedicated GitHub action takes care of building the documentation and pushing it to, when commits are pushed to the main branch.

Release to PyPI

Preliminary check-list

  1. The main branch is checked out.
  2. All tests are passing, for the main branch.
  3. is up to date.
  4. If appropriate (e.g. if you added some new task arguments, or if you modified some of their descriptions), update the JSON Schemas in the manifest via:
    poetry run python fractal_tasks_core/dev/
    (note that the CI will fail if you forgot to update the manifest,, but it is good to be aware of it)

Actual release

  1. From within the main branch, use a command like:
    # Automatic bump of release number
    poetry run bumpver update --[tag-num|patch|minor] --dry
    # Set a specific version
    poetry run bumpver update --set-version 1.2.3 --dry
    to test updating the version bump
  2. If the previous step looks good, remove the --dry and re-run the same command. This will commit both the edited files and the new tag, and push.
  3. Approve the new version deployment at Publish package to PyPI (or have it approved); the corresponding GitHub action will take care of running poetry build and poetry publish with the appropriate credentials.

Static type checker

We do not enforce strict mypy compliance, but we do run it as part of a specific GitHub Action. You can run mypy locally for instance as:

poetry run mypy --package fractal_tasks_core --ignore-missing-imports --warn-redundant-casts --warn-unused-ignores --warn-unreachable --pretty