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Table specifcations

Within fractal-tasks-core, we make use of tables which are AnnData objects stored within OME-Zarr image groups. This page describes the different kinds of tables we use, and it includes:

Note: The specifications below are largely inspired by a proposed update to OME-NGFF specs. This update is currently on hold, and fractal-tasks-core will evolve as soon as an official NGFF table specs is adopted - see also the Outlook section.

Specifications (V1)

In this section we describe version 1 (V1) of the Fractal table specifications; for the moment, only V1 exists. Note that V1 specifications are only implemented as os of version 0.14.0 of fractal-tasks-core.

Core tables

The core-table specification consists in the definition of the required Zarr structure and attributes, and of the AnnData table format.

AnnData table format

We store tabular data into Zarr groups as AnnData ("Annotated Data") objects; the anndata Python library provides the definition of this format and the relevant tools. Quoting from the anndata documentation:

AnnData is specifically designed for matrix-like data. By this we mean that we have \(n\) observations, each of which can be represented as \(d\)-dimensional vectors, where each dimension corresponds to a variable or feature. Both the rows and columns of this \(n \times d\) matrix are special in the sense that they are indexed.


Note that AnnData tables are easily transformed from/into pandas.DataFrame objects - see e.g. the AnnData.to_df method.

Zarr structure and attributes

The structure of Zarr groups is based on the image specification in NGFF 0.4, with an additional tables group and the corresponding subgroups (similar to labels):

image.zarr        # Zarr group for a NGFF image
├── 0             # Zarr array for multiscale level 0
├── ...
├── N             # Zarr array for multiscale level N
├── labels        # Zarr subgroup with a list of labels associated to this image
|   ├── label_A   # Zarr subgroup for a given label
|   ├── label_B   # Zarr subgroup for a given label
|   └── ...
└── tables        # Zarr subgroup with a list of tables associated to this image
    ├── table_1   # Zarr subgroup for a given table
    ├── table_2   # Zarr subgroup for a given table
    └── ...

The Zarr attributes of the tables group must include the key tables, pointing to the list of all tables (this simplifies discovery of tables associated to the current NGFF image), as in

    "tables": ["table_1", "table_2"]

The Zarr attributes of each specific-table group must include the version of the table specification (currently version 1), through the fractal_table_version attribute. Also note that the anndata function to write an AnnData object into a Zarr group automatically sets additional attributes. Here is an example of the resulting Zarr attributes:

    "fractal_table_version": "1",
    "encoding-type": "anndata",    // Automatically added by anndata 0.11
    "encoding-version": "0.1.0",   // Automatically added by anndata 0.11

ROI tables

In fractal-tasks-core, a ROI table defines regions of space which are three-dimensional (see also the Outlook section about dimensionality flexibility) and box-shaped. Typical use cases are described here.

Zarr attributes

The specification of a ROI table is a subset of the core table one. Moreover, the table-group Zarr attributes must include the type attribute with value roi_table, as in

    "fractal_table_version": "1",
    "type": "roi_table",
    "encoding-type": "anndata",
    "encoding-version": "0.1.0",

Table columns

The var attribute of a given AnnData object indexes the columns of the table. A fractal-tasks-core ROI table must include the following six columns:

  • x_micrometer, y_micrometer, z_micrometer: the lower bounds of the XYZ intervals defining the ROI, in micrometers;
  • len_x_micrometer, len_y_micrometer, len_z_micrometer: the XYZ edge lengths, in micrometers.


  1. The axes origin for the ROI positions (e.g. for x_micrometer) corresponds to the top-left corner of the image (for the YX axes) and to the lowest Z plane.
  2. ROIs are defined in physical coordinates, and they do not store information on the number or size of pixels.

ROI tables may also include other columns, beyond the required ones. Here are the ones that are typically used in fractal-tasks-core (see also the Use cases section):

  • x_micrometer_original and y_micrometer_original, which are a copy of x_micrometer and y_micrometer taken before applying some transformation;
  • translation_x, translation_y and translation_z, which are used during registration of multiplexing acquisitions;
  • label, which is used to link a ROI to a label (either for masking ROI tables or for feature tables).

Masking ROI tables

Masking ROI tables are a specific instance of the basic ROI tables described above, where each ROI must also be associated to a specific label of a label image.


The motivation for this association is based on the following use case:

  • By performing segmentation of a NGFF image, we identify N objects and we store them as a label image (where the value at each pixel correspond to the label index);
  • We also compute the three-dimensional bounding box of each segmented object, and store these bounding boxes into a masking ROI table;
  • For each one of these ROIs, we also include information that link it to both the label image and a specific label index;
  • During further processing we can load/modify specific sub-regions of the ROI, based on information contained in the label image. This kind of operations are masked, as they only act on the array elements that match a certain condition on the label value.

Zarr attributes

For this kind of tables, fractal-tasks-core closely follows the proposed NGFF update mentioned above. The requirements on the Zarr attributes of a given table are:

  • Attributes must contain a type key, with value masking_roi_table2.
  • Attributes must contain a region key; the corresponding value must be an object with a path key and a string value (i.e. the path to the data the table is annotating).
  • Attributes must include a key instance_key, which is the key in obs that denotes which instance in region the row corresponds to.

Here is an example of valid Zarr attributes

    "fractal_table_version": "1",
    "type": "masking_roi_table",
    "region": { "path": "../labels/label_DAPI" },
    "instance_key": "label",
    "encoding-type": "anndata",
    "encoding-version": "0.1.0",

AnnData table attributes

On top of the required ROI-table colums, the masking-ROI-table AnnData object must have an attribute obs with a key matching to the instance_key zarr attribute. For instance if instance_key="label" then table.obs["label"] must exist, with its items matching the labels in the image in "../labels/label_DAPI".

Feature tables


The typical use case for feature tables is to store measurements related to segmented objects, while mantaining a link to the original instances (e.g. labels). Note that the current specification is aligned to the one of masking ROI tables, since they both need to relate a table to a label image, but the two may diverge in the future.

As part of the current fractal-tasks-core tasks, measurements can be performed e.g. via regionprops from scikit-image, as wrapped in napari-skimage-regionprops).

Zarr attributes

For this kind of tables, fractal-tasks-core closely follows the proposed NGFF update mentioned above. The requirements on the Zarr attributes of a given table are:

  • Attributes must contain a type key, with value feature_table2.
  • Attributes must contain a region key; the corresponding value must be an object with a path key and a string value (i.e. the path to the data the table is annotating).
  • Attributes must include a key instance_key, which is the key in obs that denotes which instance in region the row corresponds to.

Here is an example of valid Zarr attributes

    "fractal_table_version": "1",
    "type": "feature_table",
    "region": { "path": "../labels/label_DAPI" },
    "instance_key": "label",
    "encoding-type": "anndata",
    "encoding-version": "0.1.0",

AnnData table attributes

The feature-table AnnData object must have an attribute obs with a key matching to the instance_key zarr attribute. For instance if instance_key="label" then table.obs["label"] must exist, with its items matching the labels in the image in "../labels/label_DAPI".


Use cases for ROI tables

OME-Zarr creation

OME-Zarrs created via fractal-tasks-core (e.g. by parsing Yokogawa images via the create_ome_zarr or create_ome_zarr_multiplex tasks) always include two specific ROI tables:

  • The table named well_ROI_table, which covers the NGFF image corresponding to the whole well1;
  • The table named FOV_ROI_table, which lists all original fields of view (FOVs).

Each one of these two tables includes ROIs that span the whole image size along the Z axis. Note that this differs, e.g., from ROIs which are the bounding boxes of three-dimensional segmented objects, and which may cover only a part of the image Z size.

OME-Zarr import

When working with an externally-generated OME-Zarr, one may use the import_ome_zarr task to make it compatible with fractal-tasks-core. This task optionally adds two ROI tables to the NGFF images:

  • The table named image_ROI_table, which covers the whole image;
  • A table named grid_ROI_table, which splits the whole-image ROI into a YX rectangular grid of smaller ROIs. This may correspond to original FOVs (in case the image is a tiled well1), or it may simply be useful for applying downstream processing to smaller arrays and avoid large memory requirements.

As for the case of well_ROI_table and FOV_ROI_table described above, also these two tables include ROIs spanning the whole image extension along the Z axis.

OME-Zarr processing

ROI tables are also used and updated during image processing, e.g as in:

  • The FOV ROI table may undergo transformations during processing, e.g. FOV ROIs may be shifted to avoid overlaps; in this case, we use the optional columns x_micrometer_original and y_micrometer_original to store the values before the transformation.
  • The FOV ROI table is also used to store information on the registration of multiplexing acquisitions, via the translation_x, translation_y and translation_z optional columns.
  • Several tasks in fractal-tasks-core take an existing ROI table as an input and then loop over the ROIs defined in the table. This makes the task more flexible, as it can be used to process e.g. a whole well, a set of FOVs, or a set of custom regions of the array.

Reading/writing tables

The anndata library offers a set of functions for input/output of AnnData tables, including functions specifically targeting the Zarr format.

Reading a table

To read an AnnData table from a Zarr group, one may use the read_zarr function. In the following example a NGFF image was created by stitching together two field of views, where each one is made of a stack of five Z planes with 1 um spacing between the planes. The FOV_ROI_table has information on the XY position and size of the two original FOVs (named FOV_1 and FOV_2):

import anndata as ad

table = ad.read_zarr("/somewhere/image.zarr/tables/FOV_ROI_table")

# `AnnData` object with n_obs × n_vars = 2 × 8

# Index(['FOV_1', 'FOV_2'], dtype='object', name='FieldIndex')

# Index([
#        'x_micrometer',
#        'y_micrometer',
#        'z_micrometer',
#        'len_x_micrometer',
#        'len_y_micrometer',
#        'len_z_micrometer',
#        'x_micrometer_original',
#        'y_micrometer_original'
#       ],
#       dtype='object')

# [[    0.      0.      0.    416.    351.      5.  -1448.3 -1517.7]
#  [  416.      0.      0.    416.    351.      5.  -1032.3 -1517.7]]

df = table.to_df()  # Convert to pandas DataFrame
#             x_micrometer  y_micrometer  z_micrometer  ...  len_z_micrometer  x_micrometer_original  y_micrometer_original
# FieldIndex                                            ...
# FOV_1                0.0           0.0           0.0  ...               2.0           -1448.300049           -1517.699951
# FOV_2              416.0           0.0           0.0  ...               2.0           -1032.300049           -1517.699951
# [2 rows x 8 columns]

In this case, the second FOV (labeled FOV_2) is defined as the three-dimensional region such that

  • X is between 416 and 832 micrometers;
  • Y is between 0 and 351 micrometers;
  • Z is between 0 and 5 - which means that all the five available Z planes are included.

Writing a table

The anndata.experimental.write_elem function provides the required functionality to write an AnnData object to a Zarr group. In fractal-tasks-core, the write_table helper function wraps the anndata function and includes additional functionalities -- see its documentation.

With respect to the wrapped anndata function, the main additional features of write_table are

  • The boolean parameter overwrite (defaulting to False), that determines the behavior in case of an already-existing table at the given path.
  • The table_attrs parameter, as a shorthand for updating the Zarr attributes of the table group after its creation.

Here is an example of how to use write_table:

import numpy as np
import zarr
import anndata as ad
from fractal_tasks_core.tables import write_table

table = ad.AnnData(X=np.ones((10, 10)))  # Generate a dummy `AnnData` object
image_group = zarr.open_group("/tmp/image.zarr")
table_name = "MyTable"
table_attrs = {
    "type": "feature_table",
    "region": {"path": "../labels/MyLabel"},
    "instance_key": "label",

After running this Python code snippet, the on-disk output is as follows:
$ tree /tmp/image.zarr/tables/                  # View folder structure
└── MyTable
    ├── layers
    ├── obs
    │   └── _index
    │       └── 0
    ├── obsm
    ├── obsp
    ├── uns
    ├── var
    │   └── _index
    │       └── 0
    ├── varm
    ├── varp
    └── X
        └── 0.0

12 directories, 3 files

$ cat /tmp/image.zarr/tables/.zattrs            # View tables atributes
    "tables": [

$ cat /tmp/image.zarr/tables/MyTable/.zattrs    # View single-table attributes
    "encoding-type": "anndata",
    "encoding-version": "0.1.0",
    "fractal_table_version": "1",
    "instance_key": "label",
    "region": {
        "path": "../labels/MyLabel"
    "type": "feature_table"


These specifications may evolve (especially based on the future NGFF updates), eventually leading to breaking changes in future versions. fractal-tasks-core will aim at mantaining backwards-compatibility with V1 for a reasonable amount of time.

Here is an in-progress list of aspects that may be reviewed:

  • We aim at removing the use of hard-coded units from the column names (e.g. x_micrometer), in favor of a more general definition of units.
  • The z_micrometer and len_z_micrometer columns are currently required in all ROI tables, even when the ROIs actually define a two-dimensional XY region; in that case, we set z_micrometer=0 and len_z_micrometer is such that the whole Z size is covered (that is, len_z_micrometer is the product of the spacing between Z planes and the number of planes). In a future version, we may introduce more flexibility and also accept ROI tables which only include X and Y axes, and adapt the relevant tools so that they automatically expand these ROIs into three-dimensions when appropriate.
  • Concerning the use of AnnData tables or other formats for tabular data, our plan is to follow whatever serialised table specification becomes part of the NGFF standard. For the record, Zarr does not natively support storage of dataframes (see e.g., which is one aspect in favor of sticking with the anndata library.

  1. Within fractal-tasks-core, NGFF images represent whole wells; this still complies with the NGFF specifications, as of an approved clarification in the specs. This explains the reason for storing the regions corresponding to the original FOVs in a specific ROI table, since one NGFF image includes a collection of FOVs. Note that this approach does not rely on the assumption that the FOVs constitute a regular tiling of the well, but it also covers the case of irregularly placed FOVs. 

  2. Note that the table types masking_roi_table and feature_table closely resemble the type="ngff:region_table" specification in the previous proposed NGFF table specs