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Environment variables

The following environment variables can be used to configure fractal-web.

Only when using npm run dev or npm run preview these variables are automatically read from .env.development and .env files. In production they must be set in the shell that starts the node process.

  • FRACTAL_SERVER_HOST: represents the URL of the fractal-server application (e.g. http://localhost:8000, or; this variable is required;
  • AUTH_COOKIE_NAME: the name of the cookie used to store the user session; the default value is fastapiusersauth;
  • AUTH_COOKIE_DOMAIN: specifies which server can receive the cookie; remember to set it in production;
  • AUTH_COOKIE_PATH: the URL path where the cookie will be available; the default value is /;
  • AUTH_COOKIE_SECURE: sends the cookie only if the server is using HTTPS; the default value is true, can be set to false during development;
  • AUTH_COOKIE_SAME_SITE: set the SameSite attribute to the cookie; the default value is lax;
  • PUBLIC_FRACTAL_ADMIN_SUPPORT_EMAIL: the e-mail address displayed in the home page which can be used to send support requests; if the value is not set nothing is shown;
  • PUBLIC_UPDATE_JOBS_INTERVAL: the delay in milliseconds which occurs between two background requests that check for job status updates; the default value is 3000;
  • PUBLIC_OAUTH_CLIENT_NAME: if set, the application enables the external account login via OAuth2; the name is used to create the authorization call sent to fractal-server (see configuration page);
  • LOG_FILE: the path of the file where logs will be written; by default is unset and no file will be created;
  • LOG_LEVEL_FILE: the log level of logs that will be written to the file; the default value is info;
  • LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE: the log level of logs that will be written to the console; the default value is warn;
  • FRACTAL_RUNNER_BACKEND: specifies which runner backend is used; supported values are: local, slurm, slurm_ssh; setting this variable is mandatory;
  • PUBLIC_FRACTAL_VIZARR_VIEWER_URL: URL to fractal-vizarr-viewer service (e.g. http://localhost:3000/vizarr for testing);
  • WARNING_BANNER_PATH: specifies the path to a text file containing the warning banner message displayed on the site; the banner is used to inform users about important issues, such as external resources downtime or maintenance alerts; if the variable is empty or unset no banner is displayed;
  • ENABLE_INTERACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_FILTERS: enable attribute filters interactive editing from the job-submission modal; supported values are true or false; default value is false.

When running directly using node command these extra variables can also be configured:

The node command relies on some extra environment variables, and especially on ORIGIN:

HTTP doesn't give SvelteKit a reliable way to know the URL that is currently being requested. The simplest way to tell SvelteKit where the app is being served is to set the ORIGIN environment variable (see SvelteKit node servers documentation). A wrong origin value will result in the error message "Cross-site POST form submissions are forbidden".

Unexpected behaviors can be related to wrong values of the AUTH_COOKIE_DOMAIN variable:

A typical gotcha: if there is a mismatch between the cookie domain and the URL you are using (e.g. one points to localhost and the other one to, then the cookie won't be set and this will fail silently, therefore likely triggering other unexpected behaviors. If you leave the AUTH_COOKIE_DOMAIN empty, the cookie domain will be inferred from the HTTP call. This is useful to avoid domain mismatch issues during testing and development, but in production is suggested to set it as the name of the domain where the fractal-web server is running.