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Quickstart instructions

This page describes how to install fractal-web from release packages. If you need to install it from the git repository see the development setup page.

Install node

Versions 18 or 20 of Node.js are recommended (check your version with node -v). Version 16 is known to work, but not recommended.

If these versions are not available via your favorite package installer, you can install them from this link for your specific platform. Another option is to use nvm, e.g. via

nvm install 18
nvm alias default 18

Install fractal-web from release packages

Starting from version 1.1.0, fractal-web releases provide tar.gz files containing the built files for each supported node version. You can install these packages with the following command:

FRACTAL_WEB_VERSION=1.1.0 && NODE_MAJOR_VERSION=20 && wget -qO- "${FRACTAL_WEB_VERSION}/node-${NODE_MAJOR_VERSION}-fractal-web-v${FRACTAL_WEB_VERSION}.tar.gz" | tar -xz

Note: this will unpack in the current working directory the file package.json and the folders build and node_modules.

To start the application installed in this way see the section Run fractal-web from the build folder below.

Set environment variables

To properly run fractal-web you have to configure some environment variables. The environment variables page contains the complete list of supported environment variables and their default values. It also includes some troubleshooting infomation about errors related to environment variables misconfiguration.

If you want to run the application executing node in the build folder you have to export the environment variables in your shell. The following section provides an example on how to do that with a script.

Run fractal-web from the build folder

You can create a script with the following content to run fractal-web installed from a release package:


export FRACTAL_SERVER_HOST=http://localhost:8000
# remember to set this in production (e.g.

export ORIGIN=http://localhost:5173
export PORT=5173

export LOG_FILE=fractal-web.log
# default values for logging levels (uncomment if needed)
# export LOG_LEVEL_FILE=info
# export LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE=warn

export FRACTAL_API_V1_MODE=include

# default values are usually fine for the following variables; remove comments if needed
#export AUTH_COOKIE_NAME=fastapiusersauth

node build/

Note: starting from Node 20 you can also load the environment variables from a file using the --env-file flag:

node --env-file=.env build