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Run your own Fractal

Fractal runs locally on a laptop (tested both Linux, macOS and Windows with subsystem Linux) or on a Linux server that submits jobs to a SLURM cluster. The fractal-server documentation describes the preconditions and the different configurations that can be changed.

Fractal can be used via a command line client, as well as via a web client. To get started with Fractal, you can follow the setup in the fractal-demos repository.

Here is a video walk-through for how to set up a local Fractal server:

Once you have a Fractal server running, you can also access it via Fractal web. To do so, set up a Fractal web server as shown here:

If you prefer to follow a written guide, follow the instructions in the server folder to set up Fractal server. Once you have successfully installed and started the Fractal server, you can install a fractal-client environment and interact with the Fractal server from there. To do so, follow the instructions for the 01_cardio_tiny_dataset example. This also includes a link to a tiny dataset and instructions on how to run a full Fractal workflow on this dataset (which should run in under a minute). To set up Fractal web, follow the instructions in the Fractal web README.